How to Keep Your Customers by Thinking Ahead of Them

...more important to deepen your connection to your existing customers than to spend a lot of time and money trying to figure out why certain customers left.

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t care about losing customers. Customer attrition and churn can kill your bottom line. But once customers are gone, they’re gone. The best way to hang on to them is with a process I call “closing the backdoor.”

Great points in this article.  So many people focus on bringing a customer back, instead of focusing on keeping the customers you have.  The most profits to be made is by increasing the frequency of your current customers.  By striving to satisfy and get out in front of your current customers needs, you will have more current customers (because new customers will outnumber your churned) and they will be more frequent purchasers.


There are many lifecycle charts, this one is more transactional with each purchase.  For instance, in selling hotel rooms we have a much better shot at getting a guest to return if they are ready to return.  Any communication preceding that will usually be met with indifference.  It won't hurt the cause, but you likely won't get a booking either.  If you can send, i know this is going to be cliche, the right offer at the right time, you will increase frequency and redemption percentages.  ​
