Gartner Predicts Three Big Data Trends for Business Intelligence

Always good to see what the researchers are predicting for the future.  This is an interesting take on big data.  It focuses on an outcome of big data and then from a business perspective, what will happen to big data.

No. 1: By 2020, information will be used to reinvent, digitalize or eliminate 80% of business processes and products from a decade earlier.

Very interesting.  Most successful products take a human process and automates the process to increase efficiency.  I'm sure this prediction is a slam dunk as businesses will use massive data to help enhance current products and processes.

No. 2: By 2017, more than 30% of enterprise access to broadly based big data will be via intermediary data broker services, serving context to business decisions.

This is another no brainer.  As companies like Experian and Acxiom make it easier to access their data, more and more companies will begin utilizing this data to make better decisions about their customers.  This is something that I believe in greatly.  The more data to enhance marketing campaigns, the better equipped marketers are to change the behaviors of their most valuable, or better yet, their most potentially valuable customers.  

No. 3 By 2017, more than 20% of customer-facing analytic deployments will provide product tracking information leveraging the IoT.

The Internet of Things will be very interesting when it comes to data.  How companies use data about customers behaviors in their own house with the items they use will be a touchy topic in the coming years.  If companies can prove they are using the data to make the customers lives better, it will be a smash hit.  If they are becoming creepy with the data, then the IofT will never reach its full potential.  
