Compromising When Compromise Is Hard

Respect also allows good people to disagree — sometimes vigorously — without animosity. You may be heated in your argument, but you are not irritated with the other person. This is liberating. You can both channel your passion for the work into something constructive. Far from "abandoning your principles," you're both proceeding from a place of deepest conviction.

 A decent article about compromising.  I don't like the word myself.  I think too many times organizations embrace compromise which ends up being the worst of both worlds.  

The quote above is what I believe great organizations do.  Once the organization trusts each other, vigorous debates, on the verge of argument, creates greatness.  Too often compromise is both sides giving up their principles until they meet in the middle.  That doesn't lead to greatness.  Greatness happens when two sides incorporate the best parts of their ideas to crete something that is far superior than meeting in the middle.  The best products I have been involved in have came from trusted partners "going at it" until we came out with something great.  
