Apple iPad: bashed by bloggers around the web

A very interesting look back about what everyone had to say about the iPad when it was revealed in early 2010.  Most were very negative, however it played out well for Apple.

I remember this reveal.  I was not going to buy one, I didn't really see the need.  But I took a risk on day 1 and I bought an iPad.  I will never forget the first time I held the device in my hand and played with it.  What an amazing device.  Was it a big iPod Touch?  Sure.  But what made it amazing is it was a big iPod Touch.  I used my iPad much more than I use my computer.  It is the device i have with me when I sit down at the end of the day.  It is the device I read at the beginning of the day.  It is the device that I take to meetings to take notes.  It is the best device I own.
