School in the Post PC Era

My 10 year old daughter had a paper due recently on the Cherokee Indians.  We happened to be traveling to San Jose on the weekend before the paper was due, so we didn't have much time to do the research and write the paper.  Afternoon flight on Friday, packed weekend, late night flight on Sunday back to Vegas. 

While in the air on the way to San Jose my daughter was doing research on the internet on an iPad.  As she found sites with interesting information on The Cherokee Indians, she copied and pasted the information into the Notes app.  She did this for 3 different sites. 

On Sunday, we were delayed for an hour in the airport, where my daughter opened up a Macbook Air.  The notes were all synced to the Mac and she started on her paper and finished it on the plane ride home. 

I wish I had the technology Apple is putting together when I was in school.  The ability to take a device to school and do research and everything transfers to the main computer when writing the paper is something that will make school and amazing experience for young children.