What Clayton Christensen Got Wrong in his Theory of Low-End Disruption

Cool article about Clayton Christensen and his Theory of Low-End Disruption.  I think there are some great points in this article that highlight Apple as the use case.   

I don't subscribe to the theory of low-end disruption in the consumer space.  I think Ben Thompson is right on.  There are so many cases of companies that thrive without having to serve the low-end, even when the competition puts out a decent or "good enough" product at a much lower price point

  • BMW, Mercedes and Audi in cars
  • Apple in consumer electronics
  • Rolex and Tag in watches
  • Four Seasons in hotels

The list can go on and on.  Companies don't have to play the market share game to be successful.  It takes so much more effort to satisfy the masses, the support costs  and the scale the business has to grow are just two reasons why a business should think twice.

I prefer serving the fewest amount of customers to make the most profit.  In that model I can give better customer service and create a much more loyal base to maintain profit share.  

Source: http://stratechery.com/2013/clayton-christ...