Why Your Employees Need to Make More Mistakes

...for a new company, a willingness to make mistakes is a strength that management should seek to leverage.

Why? Because mistakes are what happen when you're moving fast. Or, to put it another way, if you want to minimize mistakes, you will also have to slow down. If you're too consumed with preventing mistakes, you'll sacrifice speed. In today's competitive landscape, this is not an acceptable tradeoff for a young company, for which speed is one of the few natural advantages over larger, more powerful incumbents.

Couldn't agree more.  In my line of work, CRM/Database Marketing, innovating and acting quickly is much more important than worrying about mistakes.  I always tell my team if we aren't making mistakes, we are moving too slow.  This is why we were able to integrate a Marketing Automation system, new data warehouse design and a new BI platform within 4 months and with a team that is only 5 deep.   

Source: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/228379