Interactive Data Visualizations - It's Still About the Data

With so many data visualization tools out in the marketplace, it is a wonder why most organizations are still struggling to get these easy to build dashboards adopted throughout the organization.

It usually comes down to the data.  The data still has to be accurate and up to date and reliable.  So many organizations still struggle with this.  I believe it comes down to structure within the organization.  How does IT still control the data in many organizations?  IT tends to create processes and documentation that takes data forever to get into the hands of the users.  

It all depends on the size of the organization.  When organizations are very large, this type of process and documentation is needed.  Most organizations are not this size.  The data is used by a handful of people within the organization and a more agile approach to data needs to be taken to always have the best data at the soonest possible time.  Long lead times and processes that make moving things forward difficult lead groups within the organization to get their own data in many different ways and this leads to many different versions of the truth and lack of trust in the interactive dashboards.

Organizations need to move the data ownership into the hands of the data users to ensure one version of the truth.