Southwest Airlines Making an Impact in Marketing Automation

I love Southwest Airlines.  They have been the ,most profitable airlines by creating a business model which serves both their customers and their shareholders.  Southwest has managed to delight their customers and they are one of the few airlines that actually turn a profit, plus they haven't gone to the nickel and dime your customer model that has been popular in the industry.

The one area they have been weak in is database marketing/marketing automation.  The emails my wife and I get from them are very generic.  These emails have never been tailored.  This is the same in direct.  I have a Southwest Visa card and I still get an application direct mail to this day.  They also send some of these applications multiple times per week.  I tend to forgive because I am not a fan of the nickel and dime approach most other airlines employ.

Out of the blue I got an email that was actually targeted, well I hope it was targeted and not everyone received.  They sent me a tier upgrade promotion if I flew 3 roundtrips in a 2 month period.  To give a little background, I was flying much more a year and a half ago and I was an A-list, but recently I haven't needed to fly as much and I lost that status.  What I hope they are doing is looking to see that I have the propensity to become an A-List and they are betting that I will take them up on this offer. 

I happen to be taking a couple of flights in that time period, but I was going to be one roundtrip short.  Now this is where the psychology of tier benefits are interesting.  In my experience, a company doesn't necessarily get a customer to do something drastically different in their behavior to get to the next tier level.  This is true in my case.  If I hadn't been taking those 2 other trips, I would not have flown 3 roundtrips to make it to A the rest of the year.  But since I was taking those trips and I was going to be close, I decided to take 1 more trip up north and see my stepdaughters.  I would not of otherwise taken this trip.  So the promotion made them some incremental revenue and has kept my loyalty with Southwest.

This could be a less targeted approach and I just happen to think it is because of my propensity.  They send me an email last week reminding me of the promotion ending, however they did not reference I was 1 roundtrip away, so they aren't exactly where they need to be yet.  But, if Southwest can put together a strong direct program with their superior business model, then other airlines will have even more to worry about.  Here is to hoping they are moving in that direction.