Eliminating the “Graffiti” in Your Customer Experience Program

Leadership Behaviors Drive Change
Executive behavior is as much of an influence on employee behavior as graffiti is on the behavior of those who use the subway. It’s symbolic of the success of the system, and leadership needs to drive the cultural change required.  

A superb article by Nancy Porte regarding the cultural change needed to truly deliver on the customer experience and the role executives play to ensure its success. I recommend reading this article, very thoughtful writing.  

As I've been harping on for the past couple of weeks, customer experience goes well beyond creating teams and having initiatives.  Customer Experience is a culture, one that revolves around the customer and makes sure every decision the company makes is for the customer.  The rationale behind this theory is that great customer experiences will result in happy, loyal customers who will buy more and become advocates for the brand.  

Source: http://loyalty360.org/loyalty-management/f...