The Myth of Steve Jobs Constant Breakthroughs

For every great leap forward Apple ever made, it accomplished at least as much through small steps that made its products easier, faster, thinner, lighter, more polished and/or more useful. Apple’s most important products may have been the game-changers, but its best products, always, have been those that benefited from smart, evolutionary improvements. And as far as I remember, Jobs never seemed guilty about the profits they brought.

Super article.  Why does everyone want to put a fork into Apple and call them done?  The product they put out on Friday is so superior to every smart phone out there.  Incremental or not, they are still innovating.  

The items in our new iPhone 5s' are the foundation for their next jumps.  The M7 processor is the beta test for a wearable technology.  The 64-bit A7 chip is the baseline to take over TV and move the low end laptop computer world into the modern era.  

Remember, the time between the iPod and the iPhone was 6 years.  The iPod led the way to develop the iPhone.  Without the iPod, there probably never would have been an iPhone.  You can argue the iPad was an incremental improvement on the iPhone.  

So Apple is ready for their next disruption, we just have to realize we are already using it.  When the next disruption comes out, you can bet it has many of the technologies in the current phones.

