Will Apple’s Patent Victory Create A Usability Hell?

Pinching to zoom on touch-screen devices is such a common gesture today that it’s hard to believe Steve Jobs wowed audience members (who actually cheered and applauded for close to 20 seconds) when he first stretched his fingers against the iPhone’s glass face.
"With regard to gestures, I think it will be hard to change the status quo because they’ve already gained such widespread acceptance," says one top interaction designer at HP.

It has such widespread acceptance because everyone copied it.  So the argument is because we've all copied "pinch-to-zoom" and our customers are now used to ​it, Apple shouldn't be able to force you to do something else?  

Hmmm...strange argument.  So if you own something and I steal it and later on you want it back, I can just say, "Well I've gotten used to using this, so you are out of luck."  Interesting.