Why Apple is Growing Its Bank Account

Samsung has a nearly limitless bank account. Samsung, like LG, is backed by their nation state of South Korea. After I made this point, Benedict added that so is Huawei, and of course several other Chinese ODMs, who are also backed by their nation state. When there is a guarantee of a cash trove behind you, it is possible to make business decisions that perhaps other companies without such a wealthy backer would make. In essence the rules for spending may simply be different for a company like Samsung and other Asian OEMs / ODMs who have nation state backing.1

This is an interesting take.  I'm sure this is not the sole reason for the large treasure trove, however US companies are at a disadvantage in the marketplace if the competitors have a limitless budget.  I was wondering how Samsung could afford all that advertising.  When there is no downside, why not spend it? 


Source: http://techpinions.com/why-apple-is-growin...