Creating Baselines

On Monday Apple introduced a brand new iOS, version 7. While it didn't change the basics of the operating system, it created a new starting point. I call this a baseline. The point in which things will be measured against. The standard if you will.

Baselines are very important to measure your business. I always want to come in to an organization, create a new baseline and innovate from that point. Once innovation has slowed and opportunities start to become scarce, a new baseline must be formed to build the next great iterations. Without the foundation, a house cannot be made.

Apple has created their new foundation on which to build upon. Some don't like it, some love it. In time it will be like second nature and we won't be able to remember when the interface wasn't like this. All companies eventually have to create new baselines, even ones as insanely successful as Apple. This should be embraced, because it takes courage to throw away and start new. The alternative is to slowly fade into mediocrity.

The Six Enemies of Greatness (and Happiness)

1) Availability
2) Ignorance
3) Committees
4) Comfort
5) Momentum
6) Passivity

​Since reading "Good to Great" I see so clearly why most companies never get to great.  Good is definitely the enemy of great and these are six good examples of that.  Click through to the article to read a short definition. 

I believe 3 and 4 are the key ones I have seen.  The more people are successful, they tend to not want to push the envelope because they are "punished" if things don't work.  Committees tend to make things harder to accomplish greatness, because there is always too much compromise.  Small groups of people make greatness.
