Sears Could Disrupt Throwaway Tech Culture

It's funny the timing of this article.  I was just talking with my wife about Sears and how it seems they have no future, it's only a matter of time before the Sears retail store as we know it will no longer exist.  Then to read a headline about Sears disrupting?  Heck ya I'm interested.

The company has launched a Seattle office, and recruited retail tech execs to help it get a handle on the data it has amassed from the 40,000+ daily service queries its Home Services group collects on washing machines, refrigerators, and other appliances. It turns out that the industry average is that about 1 out of every 4 customers don’t get their appliance woes fixed on the first visit. 

“Each truck carries about 400 parts, yet those annual service calls require something like 168,000 different parts,” explained Arun Arora, the group’s president. “We’d have to have our 7,000 certified technicians driving semis around to anticipate them.”

"Big data" has so many applications and to see Sears trying to disrupt in a way that doesn't make headlines is impressive.  This kind of disruption, even though on the surface looks like a cost-savings initiative, can revolutionize the service of appliances.  Why does that matter?  Because loyalty is the name of the game.  If they make the experience of owning a machine better, even when it is getting old and needs some new life breathed into it, they can increase their base of loyal active customers.  

The more customers that are active with a company the more they will make.  If Sears can increase the number of loyal customers by offering a superior customer experience of ownership, they can drive more sales in other areas.  It is the process of rebuilding trust with a brand.  If I knew buying an oven will have a longer shelf-life and the company where I was buying it can make that happen, then it makes where I buy more interesting.  

So many times in the retail space it comes down to price.  Everyone sells ovens and mostly from the same manufacturers, so there is very little to differentiate.  The easiest rode to differentiation is price.  The problem is when competing on price, the business can never win.  They are not cultivating loyal customers, in fact they are probably selling to the exact wrong customer.  If a customer is only going to choose on price, they are by definition not loyal customers.  If Sears can differentiate beyond price and experience in the stores, they can grow their loyal database.  That's a big win.   



To Benefit From Big Data, Resist The Three False Promises


Gartner recently predicted that “through 2017, 60% of big data projects will fail to go beyond piloting and experimentation and will be abandoned.” This reflects the difficulty of generating value from existing customer, operational and service data, let alone the reams of unstructured internal and external data generated from social media, mobile devices and online activity.

Yet some leading users of big data have managed to create data-driven business models that win in the marketplace. Auto insurer Progressive PGR -1.22%, for instance, uses plug-in devices to track driver behavior. Progressive mines the data to micro-target its customer base and determine pricing in real time. Capital One, the financial services company, relies heavily on advanced analytics to shape its customer risk scoring and loyalty and offer optimization initiatives. It exploits multiple types of customer data, including advanced text and voice analytics.

I believe what most people miss when they hear these success stories is the amount of human capital that gets thrown at these problems.  Hundreds of data scientists create thousands of models, of which very few are actually incorporated into final production.  The reason the Gartner stats ring true is most companies don't have the kind of resources to throw at the problem and most companies won't realize an ROI even if they could throw these types of resources at a problem.

Promise 1: The technology will identify business opportunities all by itself.

This is the direction the technology is moving towards, but it is not there yet.  The technology enables a group of data scientists to identify the opportunities, it's not magic.

Promise 2: Harvesting more data will automatically generate more value. 

The temptation to acquire and mine new data sets has intensified, yet many large organizations are already drowning in data, much of it held in silos where it cannot easily be accessed, organized, linked or interrogated.

More data does not mean better ROI on your initiatives.  In fact, most companies don't take advantage of the data they already have to generate the maximum ROI.  I always use a rule of thumb when purchasing new technology.  If as an organization you don't believe you are already using the technology you currently posses to its fullest, then its not time to move on to something better.  Your current technology should be preventing you from innovating, if its not then you either have the wrong technology or the wrong people.

Promise 3: Good data scientists will find value for you. 

To profit consistently from big data, you need an operating model that deploys advanced analytics in a repeatable manner. And that involves many more people than data scientists.

Remember, data + insight = action.  Actionable data is a combination or art and science.  data scientists provide the science, however you need the team with the business acumen to provide the insight, this is the art.  Data scientists will create a lot of questions that you never thought to ask of your data, but they cannot provide a solution in and of themselves.  

Remember to walk before you run when it comes to data initiatives.  It's always good to have a goal of using "big data" to improve your business and create ROI from where it didn't previously exist, however the journey to "big data" is more important.  These examples of success with "big data" did not happen over night.  They happened because advanced companies were butting up against the limits of their current technology and they were ready to take the next step.  


The Messy Business of Reinventing Happiness - Fast Company

Austin Carr wrote a fascinating piece in Fast Company about the behind the scenes struggles to implement Disney's MagicBand at Disney World.  It details the infighting and politics at one of the most revered brands in the world.  The MagicBand is a new innovation to Disney Theme Parks (only at the Orlando Disney World Theme Park at this time) which brings NFC technology to life in a 40 year old product.  The ideas behind the MagicBand were well thought out and they were trying to solve real problems at Disney World, but they couldn't deliver on the entire dream and it proves that Customer Experience is a cultural change more than an initiative which I have been writing about for a few weeks now.  

The article is very in depth and I think points out a few mistakes in launching an initiative this grandiose.  The main point it proves is how hard it is to change a culture when it comes to customer experience, because so many people in the organization want to eep their points of power rather than thinking of the customer.  It is human nature to be scared of technology that may serve the customer better, it puts people in a defensive mode.  Even when a company as big as Disney commits $1 Billion to the initiative, without the cultural change it makes it near impossible to create magic.

Dream Big, Implement in Stages

The dream was large for the Next Generation Experience (NGE) team at Disney.  They wanted to solve the real world problems that were influencing customer satisfaction at the park.  Long lines, juggling multiple pieces of paper and keys were bringing down an experience that is supposed to be one of enjoyment.  One of the main issues is they were trying to bite off more than they could chew with their implementation.  At one point they were trying to change the airport arrival and had meetings with TSA on airport security procedures.  I understand controlling the entire experience, something Steve Jobs has taught all of us, but at some point these types of distractions take away from the big picture, which is implementing and iterating.  

The biggest problems Disney was trying to solve was long lines and handling of multiple items (tickets, Fast Pass tickets, money, hotel room keys, etc.).  The team was 2 years late delivering on their initiative because they forgot what the main goal of the project was.  The team was distracted with all the technology could do, instead of solving the immediate problems and then iterating on the technology to enhance other experiences.  Always handle the low hanging fruit first, then iterate to enhance the next set of opportunities.  

Keep the Team Small for as Long as Possible

Once the team grows to include more people to implement, projects start spinning out of control.  Change is very hard for people and they will fight it especially when it comes to areas they control within an organization.  Because the plan was growing larger than solving the immediate problems, more people from the organization had to be brought in which slowed the project down to a crawl.  The leaders of the areas being affected wanted control and they wanted a say in the development of the technology.  Embrace the leaders of the areas that will be affected and make sure they are represented on the early small team.  If they embrace the change and feel they had a part in the development, they will get the troops aligned once implantation begins.

Clearly Articulate Goals

The goals of the initiative in my eyes were to enhance the customer experience at the theme park.  What happens in these large initiatives is the organization gets hung up on the technology instead of what the technology is trying to help solve.  Technology in and of itself is worthless, unless used for a purpose to solve a real world problem that cannot be solved another way more efficiently.  NFC technology in a bracelet does not solve any problems by itself, it is the implantation of this technology that is the magic.  Always keep the goals, which is enhancing the customer experience in this case, front and center.  Never start from the technology and work backwards, start from the problem and work forward to how the technology can help solve the problem.

I am fascinated how organizations behave.  Each culture is very different, but they all tend to have the same issues.  The bigger the organization becomes, the harder it is to accomplish innovative change.  Politics and human ego can be the death of innovation.  The Disney project succeeded through sheer will to get it done, but proves that even throwing money at something doesn't guarantee success.  The culture of the company has to be customer-centric before it can solve the problems of the customer.   


Brands Don’t Know Their Customers As Well As They Think They Do

Chris Crum writes for

IBM and Econsultancy have some new research out suggesting a “massive perception gap” between how well brands think they are marketing to their customers and how well customers actually think brands know them. Businesses think they’re doing a pretty good job. Consumers, not so much.
The study, which surveyed businesses and customers specifically in the United States, found that about 90% of marketers do agree that personalization of marketing campaigns is critical to their success. Even still, 80% of consumers polled don’t think the average brand understands them as individuals. This is despite consumers sharing more personal details with businesses than ever before. Some how, brands are still failing to make the most of it.

In my experience, marketers can be their own worst PR agents.  For the most part, they understand what their customers want, but they can't deliver.  However, they are constantly spinning what they are doing as to seem as though they are meeting the customers demands.  So this survey doesn't surprise me.  I'm surprised that 80% of customers don't feel like they are individuals.  It's hard to create great customer experiences with this stat.

The IBM/Econsultancy research found that 80% of marketers “strongly” believe they have a holistic view of individual customers and segments across interactions and channels. They also strongly believe in their ability to deliver “superior experiences” offline (75%), online (69%), and on mobile devices (57%). Yet just 47% of marketers say they’re able to deliver relevant communications.
Worse yet, customers don’t think they’re getting personalized experiences. Only 37% said their preferred retailer understands them as an individual. And that’s the preferred one. Only 22% said the average retailer understands them. 21% said communications from their average retailer are “usually relevant”. 35% said communications from their preferred retailers are “usually relevant”.

The biggest disconnect with marketers is in implementation.  In the survey they state they believe they can deliver "superior experiences", yet just 47% say they are "able".  So marketers believe they have the strategy to be great in the area of customer experience, the technology or knowhow to deliver these great strategies is lacking.  A lot of that comes down to the relationship with the CIO.  As I wrote in Across The Board, CMOs Struggling To Deliver An Integrated Customer Experience, until the CIO and CMO speak the same language and the CMO embraces technology, this will continue to be an issue for marketers in the future.  When only 37% of customers believe their preferred retailer knows them at all, there is an issue.

“One explanation for relevancy void may be a lack of innovation for the multi-channel lives we all lead,” IBM said. “According to the study, only 34 percent of marketers said they do a good job of linking their online and offline customer experiences. With the vast majority of dollars spent offline and the majority of product research happening on the Internet, the two are already linked for consumers but this gulf must close for marketers if they are to advance. One issue is the technology of integration, with only 37 percent of marketers saying they have the tools to deliver exceptional customer experiences.”

The technology exists today, marketers just have to embrace it.  The technology is nascent, so it is harder to implement, but this can be done today with hard work.  The results will be well worth the effort.

“The customer is in control but this is not the threat many marketers perceive it to be. It’s an opportunity to engage and serve the customer’s needs like never before,” said Deepak Advani, GM at IBM Commerce. “By increasing investments in marketing innovations, teams can examine consumers at unimaginable depths including specific behavior patterns from one channel to the next. With this level of insight brands can become of customer’s trusted partner rather than an unwanted intrusion.”  

Advani is correct in labeling this an opportunity.  For the marketers who dare to embrace the new realities of digital marketing, they will reap the benefits that come from delivering targeted content creating exceptional customer experiences.  For the marketers that don't embrace this sea-change, their companies will become less relevant in the digital age.  


Using Smartphones and Apps to Enhance Loyalty Programs -

I am such a big fan of using rewards on a smartphone.  There is no better way to communicate with a customer than with the device they are carrying around in their pocket.  The next evolution for rewards programs is moving from a card in the hand or a punch card mentality to devices that allow even smaller businesses to compete against bigger competitors.  

Smartphones and loyalty apps have begun offering small businesses enhanced program features and automated administration capabilities once affordable only to large companies like airlines and hotel chains. These capabilities also offer the equivalent of a real-world psychology lab for easily evaluating the effects of offerings and incentives on customer loyalty.

The key to any reward program is to capture data about a customers behavior.  If your program isn't allowing you to capture transactional level data in conjunction with the program, there may be a need to consider this approach.  If only to capture the amount spend and the date, this will allow a lot more opportunity for the business.  As I wrote in The True Purpose of a Loyalty Rewards Program, it is imperative to have a program that incentivizes a customer to share their data with you, but not over-incentivize.  The key is to drive behavior by targeting the customer, rather than giving everyone the same rewards.

“Clearly, this is the best of times for loyalty programs,” said Mr. Bolden of the Boston Consulting Group, who recommended that small businesses “focus on the non-earn-and-burn aspects of the program.” He suggested that spas consider a separate waiting room for their app-identified best customers.
“Or when the treatment is over, you hand the customer a glass of Champagne and strawberries,” he added. “If you’re an apparel retailer and you get in a new line from a new designer, invite the top 5 percent of your customers in first so they can see it before anyone else.” The point is that many effective rewards need not cost much to bestow.
Driving behavior is not all about a discount.  Understanding what your customers want and delivering them an experience is more important than a discount.  Because a customer that is coming just for a discount is more than likely not your most loyal customer.
“With apps you now can target specific customers and influence specific behaviors and keep track of all the results and understand the results,” Mr. Smylie said. “Because the check-level detail is now tied to a customer’s profile, we can understand what their purchasing behavior is, what their interests are and cross-reference that against their social media profiles and market to them more effectively and involve them at a deeper level with our brand.”

Across The Board, CMOs Struggling To Deliver An Integrated Customer Experience

Daniel Newman writes for Forbes:

Back in January of this year in an article entitled Are CMOs Poised To Take Over Technology Purchasing? I wrote that “Whether they (CMOs) are ready or not, technology is fast becoming an inextricable part of the CMO’s functions, and they need to participate in making tech decisions in order to determine the ROI for purchases.”
Based upon the results of a recently released study from The CMO Club and Oracle Marketing Cloud a great number of CMOs are indeed not ready to utilize the technology that is available to them as a means to deliver upon long sought after integrated customer experience.

The days of a CMO not being technology savvy are over.  CMO's need to understand technology as well as they do brand.  The tools being developed in the marketing cloud space are very compelling, but they are nascent, so the demands to implement are greater than they will be 5 years from now.  Implementing technology toolsets are not for the faint of heart and the better the CMO understands the toolsets, the faster to market.  

CMO's should be data savvy.  They should understand where the data lives, how it flows and what the data is telling them about the customer.  It all starts with the data.  

Be the customer champion every step of the way: CMOs need a clear understanding of how customers and prospects interact with their brands at every stage, from consideration, to engagement, to purchase and advocacy. They are the voice of the customer, translating insights to actions across every organizational function.

This was a big focus of Adobe Marketing Cloud Summit 2015.  Their tagline "Marketing beyond Marketing", which didn't resonate as much as they hoped, is what the customer experience is all about.  Marketing has to be involved with all touchpoint throughout the organizations.  This involves operations units which have not been a priority for marketing in the past.  

Become BFFs with your CIO: Of those surveyed, only one of 110 respondents referenced a positive relationship with their CIO. A critical action item for a CMO is to reach out to their CIO to collaborate, plan, and integrate activities.

This may be easier said than done.  Most CIO's and CMO's do not speak the same language.  If a CMO is technologically savvy, it will be easier to communicate with the CIO to create the technology roadmap for the customer experience.  The scary part of this is only 1 out 110 CMO's surveyed have a positive relationship with their CIO.  Either the CMO has to move toward technology or the CIO has to move towards marketing.  I prefer the former.  

Co-design the optimal customer-driven technology roadmap: CMOs need to develop an understanding of the technology that is required to deliver the optimal customer experience and co-design the technology roadmap with the CIO, allowing flexibility in design to incorporate new technology and third party applications.

Again, this becomes impossible if the CMO and CIO are not in sync.  Both sides have to respect each other for the relationship to become collaborative and if the CMO is not also a technologist, the chances of this item happening are slim.  

Rethink your marketing organization and processes: There are many formal and informal opportunities to create collaboration across marketing departments and technology. As critical as it is to building the right culture and cross-functional environment, it’s also critical to hire the right talent.

As I wrote in Agile is the Key to Digital Marketing Success, the structure of the marketing organization needs to be changed.  Marketing organizations need to include technology resources in order to be agile in the digital marketing age.  Developing a technology culture within the marketing organization is a main component for delivering great customer experiences.

Establish a system for continuous improvement: The customer is outpacing companies in terms of their expectations for personalized service compared to a company’s ability to act on the information – both technologically and analytically. The CMO of today must – in addition to being agile – be open to taking chances and remain risk receptive.

If you're not failing you're not trying.  Marketing is a living breathing entity, especially in the digital age.  There will never be a time when a marketing organization can implement a plan and then check it off the list.  CMO's need to have their fingers on the pulse of society and the technology that customers are moving towards.  Just when a company has implanted their mobile strategy, here comes the watch and the Internet of Things that may change the way marketers have to think.  Having a technologist as the CMO will increase the chances that the organization will stay in touch with the customers, no matter where they move to next.


What Great Data Visualization Looks Like: 12 Complex Concepts Made Easy

Very cool visualizations.  My favorite one is the unemployment rate by county that iterates through time to show the growth.  Very powerful.

In Geography of a Recession, Latoya Egwuekwe uses a short animated visualization to show the spread of the 2008 recession across the United States. By overlaying time, data, and geography, she is able to display both the rapid progression of unemployment and the regions hit hardest. Symbolically, the country visually turns darker as unemployment spreads. This effect of time-lapse on visualization is key to provoking insight from the viewers.


'70 Percent of CRM Installs Fail' and Other Crappy Stats You Should Ignore

The big stat that I think is very interesting is the total amount of organizations that have marketing technology installed.  Such a low number.

by looking at data from 3 million businesses in our Fall 2014 report, that the truth — a statistically significant number across all sizes of business, and 151 industries — is much harsher. Marketing technology (as a whole) only has 4.1% penetration, let alone marketing automation.

The Real Leadership Lessons from Steve Jobs part 2

I decided to break up this post into 2 parts because there were so many lessons and I liked most of them.  So here are the remainder of the lessons from the Walter Isaacson HBR article.

Don’t Be a Slave To Focus Groups
When Jobs took his original Macintosh team on its first retreat, one member asked whether they should do some market research to see what customers wanted. “No,” Jobs replied, “because customers don’t know what they want until we’ve shown them.” He invoked Henry Ford’s line “If I’d asked customers what they wanted, they would have told me, ‘A faster horse!’”
Caring deeply about what customers want is much different from continually asking them what they want; it requires intuition and instinct about desires that have not yet formed. “Our task is to read things that are not yet on the page,” Jobs explained. Instead of relying on market research, he honed his version of empathy—an intimate intuition about the desires of his customers. He developed his appreciation for intuition—feelings that are based on accumulated experiential wisdom—while he was studying Buddhism in India as a college dropout. “The people in the Indian countryside don’t use their intellect like we do; they use their intuition instead,” he recalled. “Intuition is a very powerful thing—more powerful than intellect, in my opinion.”

When I was a product manager for a software company that catered to database marketers and analysts, customers would always speak in terms of features.  "I want the product to do this" was a common request.  I quickly learned that putting features into the product just made the product more complex.  The true genius is in solving the problem the customer is having in the most elegant and simple way possible.  Customers mostly focus on what they can see and what they already know.  To be great you have to translate what your customer is asking for and then really solve their problem, because adding features can spaghetti your product before you know it.

Bend Reality
Jobs’s (in)famous ability to push people to do the impossible was dubbed by colleagues his Reality Distortion Field, after an episode of Star Trek in which aliens create a convincing alternative reality through sheer mental force. An early example was when Jobs was on the night shift at Atari and pushed Steve Wozniak to create a game called Breakout. Woz said it would take months, but Jobs stared at him and insisted he could do it in four days. Woz knew that was impossible, but he ended up doing it.

I believe that people want to be great at what they do, but when left to their own devices will let the fear of failure get in their way.  Failure is a much bigger enemy of greatness than the lack of talent for the individual.  The fear of failure gets in the way of taking risks and leapfrogging yourself.  If you can put your team in an environment where failure is viewed as a success or a learning opportunity on the way to greatness, your team will succeed in greatness.

Jobs’s early mentor Mike Markkula wrote him a memo in 1979 that urged three principles. The first two were “empathy” and “focus.” The third was an awkward word, “impute,” but it became one of Jobs’s key doctrines. He knew that people form an opinion about a product or a company on the basis of how it is presented and packaged. “Mike taught me that people dojudge a book by its cover,” he told me.

First impressions make all the difference.  The product, experience or the deliverable have to focus on delivering an experience worth returning to in order to succeed.

Push for Perfection
During the development of almost every product he ever created, Jobs at a certain point “hit the pause button” and went back to the drawing board because he felt it wasn’t perfect. That happened even with the movie Toy Story. After Jeff Katzenberg and the team at Disney, which had bought the rights to the movie, pushed the Pixar team to make it edgier and darker, Jobs and the director, John Lasseter, finally stopped production and rewrote the story to make it friendlier. When he was about to launch Apple Stores, he and his store guru, Ron Johnson, suddenly decided to delay everything a few months so that the stores’ layouts could be reorganized around activities and not just product categories.

In the world of database marketing there is always a push for perfection.  The mantra I use is "The campaigns are a living, breathing entity".  A good database marketer is always looking for ways to improve the performance of a campaign.  It is never complete, it will never be perfect, but one should always strive for perfection. 

Tolerate Only “A” Players
Jobs was famously impatient, petulant, and tough with the people around him. But his treatment of people, though not laudable, emanated from his passion for perfection and his desire to work with only the best. It was his way of preventing what he called “the bozo explosion,” in which managers are so polite that mediocre people feel comfortable sticking around. “I don’t think I run roughshod over people,” he said, “but if something sucks, I tell people to their face. It’s my job to be honest.” When I pressed him on whether he could have gotten the same results while being nicer, he said perhaps so. “But it’s not who I am,” he said. “Maybe there’s a better way—a gentlemen’s club where we all wear ties and speak in this Brahmin language and velvet code words—but I don’t know that way, because I am middle-class from California.”
It’s important to appreciate that Jobs’s rudeness and roughness were accompanied by an ability to be inspirational. He infused Apple employees with an abiding passion to create groundbreaking products and a belief that they could accomplish what seemed impossible. And we have to judge him by the outcome. Jobs had a close-knit family, and so it was at Apple: His top players tended to stick around longer and be more loyal than those at other companies, including ones led by bosses who were kinder and gentler. CEOs who study Jobs and decide to emulate his roughness without understanding his ability to generate loyalty make a dangerous mistake.

Find great people and then get our of their way.  Great "A" players will be great without you telling them what to do.  Set the expectations, guide them when needed and then be hard on their results.  If their results are subpar, let them know.  You don't have to go Steve Jobs on them, but an "A" player will be harder on themselves then you could ever be.

Engage Face-to-Face
Despite being a denizen of the digital world, or maybe because he knew all too well its potential to be isolating, Jobs was a strong believer in face-to-face meetings. “There’s a temptation in our networked age to think that ideas can be developed by e-mail and iChat,” he told me. “That’s crazy. Creativity comes from spontaneous meetings, from random discussions. You run into someone, you ask what they’re doing, you say ‘Wow,’ and soon you’re cooking up all sorts of ideas.”
Jobs hated formal presentations, but he loved freewheeling face-to-face meetings. He gathered his executive team every week to kick around ideas without a formal agenda, and he spent every Wednesday afternoon doing the same with his marketing and advertising team. Slide shows were banned. “I hate the way people use slide presentations instead of thinking,” Jobs recalled. “People would confront a problem by creating a presentation. I wanted them to engage, to hash things out at the table, rather than show a bunch of slides. People who know what they’re talking about don’t need PowerPoint.”

Greatness happens with spontaneous collaboration between individuals who trust each other.  Meetings with different groups who are not accustomed to working together and are forced to collaborate never work.  Grabbing a few individuals from their work space, bringing them into a meeting room, getting into the issues at hand can encourage an atmosphere where greatness can evolve.  Great ideas do not happen on a timetable.  They happen spur of the moment and they can be lost if left to fester.

Know Both the Big Picture and the Details
Jobs’s passion was applied to issues both large and minuscule. Some CEOs are great at vision; others are managers who know that God is in the details. Jobs was both. Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes says that one of Jobs’s salient traits was his ability and desire to envision overarching strategy while also focusing on the tiniest aspects of design.

Probably the biggest issue with leaders is they are one dimensional.  It's great to have a vision and be able to articulate that vision, but if the leader is so detached from the execution of the vision, they lose respect from the team.  Beyond just losing the respect, the team may build or execute on something that is in an entirely different direction once complete.  The leader needs to be involved with the team on the details to ensure the vision is executed to perfection.  Being both visionary and implementer is key.

Combine the Humanities with the Sciences 
He connected the humanities to the sciences, creativity to technology, arts to engineering. There were greater technologists (Wozniak, Gates), and certainly better designers and artists. But no one else in our era could better firewire together poetry and processors in a way that jolted innovation. And he did it with an intuitive feel for business strategy. At almost every product launch over the past decade, Jobs ended with a slide that showed a sign at the intersection of Liberal Arts and Technology Streets.

Combining two disparate disciplines into one creates bridges for teams to collaborate in one distinct language.  This ability os very rare in individuals.  The passion that an individual has usually overtakes one discipline for another.  When doing analytics, I often articulate to the team it is a combination of art and science.  The science part can give you an answer, but without the art side, the articulation and strategy coming from the data will get lost in interpretation.  The nuggets of information cannot be articulated in pure scientific form for a strategy to unveil itself to the business side.  

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
Steve Jobs was a product of the two great social movements that emanated from the San Francisco Bay Area in the late 1960s. The first was the counterculture of hippies and antiwar activists, which was marked by psychedelic drugs, rock music, and antiauthoritarianism. The second was the high-tech and hacker culture of Silicon Valley, filled with engineers, geeks, wireheads, phreakers, cyberpunks, hobbyists, and garage entrepreneurs. Overlying both were various paths to personal enlightenment—Zen and Hinduism, meditation and yoga, primal scream therapy and sensory deprivation, Esalen and est.
An admixture of these cultures was found in publications such as Stewart Brand’s Whole Earth Catalog. On its first cover was the famous picture of Earth taken from space, and its subtitle was “access to tools.” The underlying philosophy was that technology could be our friend. Jobs—who became a hippie, a rebel, a spiritual seeker, a phone phreaker, and an electronic hobbyist all wrapped into one—was a fan. He was particularly taken by the final issue, which came out in 1971, when he was still in high school. He took it with him to college and then to the apple farm commune where he lived after dropping out. He later recalled: “On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: ‘Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.’” Jobs stayed hungry and foolish throughout his career by making sure that the business and engineering aspect of his personality was always complemented by a hippie nonconformist side from his days as an artistic, acid-dropping, enlightenment-seeking rebel. In every aspect of his life—the women he dated, the way he dealt with his cancer diagnosis, the way he ran his business—his behavior reflected the contradictions, confluence, and eventual synthesis of all these varying strands.
Even as Apple became corporate, Jobs asserted his rebel and counterculture streak in its ads, as if to proclaim that he was still a hacker and a hippie at heart. The famous “1984” ad showed a renegade woman outrunning the thought police to sling a sledgehammer at the screen of an Orwellian Big Brother. And when he returned to Apple, Jobs helped write the text for the “Think Different” ads: “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes…” If there was any doubt that, consciously or not, he was describing himself, he dispelled it with the last lines: “While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”

The world will miss out on all the great things Steve Jobs would have done over the years he lost.  


How to Find, Assess, and Hire the Modern Marketer

Who is the modern marketer?

Regardless of the role in marketing, the expectations related to data and analytics need to be consistent. While there will always be more advanced analytical and technical positions, there is a new baseline for all marketers. The skill set includes a knowledge of data management principles and analytical strategies, and an understanding of the role of data quality, the importance of data governance, and the value of data in marketing disciplines. Today’s marketer needs to go well beyond reporting and metrics, and be more proficient in a full range of analytics, which may include optimization, text, sentiment, scoring, modeling, visualization, forecasting, and attribution.

Marketers need to have experience with the technology, tools, and design approaches that leverage data and analytics. Campaign design, multi-channel integration, content performance, personalization, and digital marketing can all be driven by fact-based decision-making, ideally with direct accountability to results and the ability to very quickly react and adjust to the demands of the customer and the market. The marketers I am referring to have a distinct blend of creativity and reasoning talents; they are inquisitive, inventive, and enthused by a culture that is advanced and agile.

Great article that really describes what marketers are becoming.  I believe this change in what a marketer is has been happening for quite a few years now.  A a marketer It is so important to understand the tools, data and how to analyze the data.  


Obsoletive: Revolutionary Products in Tech Don't Disrupt-They Obsolete

Three things irk me about “disruption” as it’s used in technology:

New products that do what existing products do, but (theoretically) better, are not disruptive. They are “sustaining.” Instagram Video is not disrupting Vine. It’s competing with it.

The misplaced obsession with low-end disruption, which, as I argued last week, doesn’t apply nearly as strongly to consumer markets.

The characterization of obsoletive technology as disruptive.

I like what Ben Thompson has to say here.  Everyone loves holding on to buzzwords, but the iPhone did obsolete its competition.  It literally put two of the most powerful companies out of business.  That wasn't disruptive, it was destructive. 

The rest of the article hits it on the nose.  Good read. 


Is Twitter the ‘end of the civilized world’

I love sensational headlines.  Of course it's not the "end of the civilized world".  I believe it is a changing of the way we consume news and information.  People who are in control of those industries are scared, not because of Twitter can do to the world, but because of what Twitter can do to their livelihoods.   


Creating Baselines

On Monday Apple introduced a brand new iOS, version 7. While it didn't change the basics of the operating system, it created a new starting point. I call this a baseline. The point in which things will be measured against. The standard if you will.

Baselines are very important to measure your business. I always want to come in to an organization, create a new baseline and innovate from that point. Once innovation has slowed and opportunities start to become scarce, a new baseline must be formed to build the next great iterations. Without the foundation, a house cannot be made.

Apple has created their new foundation on which to build upon. Some don't like it, some love it. In time it will be like second nature and we won't be able to remember when the interface wasn't like this. All companies eventually have to create new baselines, even ones as insanely successful as Apple. This should be embraced, because it takes courage to throw away and start new. The alternative is to slowly fade into mediocrity.

With The Apple V. Samsung Verdict, Innovation Wins

...the more important point is that both parties are now incentivized to behave differently. One can even argue that they're now predisposed to innovate like they've never done before.

​I agree completely.  It would be a shame if the smartphone race turned into the refrigerator, or dare I say television industry, when you go into a store and every television and refrigerator look exactly the same.  Smartphones should all be distinct, at least in the operating system.  This way we don't end up with 2 choices where 1 dominates, like Windows vs Mac.   

Apple--which isn't evil no matter how some may think--may press on with its smartphone and tablet UI innovation in an effort to truly distinguish the look and feel of its products in an ever-busier market, conscious that Samsung is nipping at its heels. iOS is getting a little long in the tooth, and now may be the perfect time to spend company time transforming it into the next generation of smartphone OS's.

I sure hope this happens.  If the verdict changes the copying behavior of its competitors, Apple is in a great position to reinvent the greatest invention of our time.  Here's to innovation.