Apple should buy big companies, says former boss

Apple should use its enormous cash reserves to make some big-name acquisitions, the company's former boss John Sculley has said.

Rarely do large acquisitions of companies outside the core business turn out successful.  The only successful large acquisitions come when say a telecom company buys another telecom company.  This is just becoming larger much quicker through acquisition and not entering unknown businesses.  

I don't think Apple should buy large companies and move the company in a different direction.  This is why Sculley was unsuccessful as CEO of Apple.  He tried to grow the company getting into many areas outside of its core competency and it lead to a confusing direction for Apple.  

It scary to think he is out there giving companies this kind of advice.  He should have learned from his mistakes, but clearly he hasn't.  If Tim Cook takes his advice in this case, Apple surely would be doomed, for real this time.
