Apple Under Siege

I recently experienced a small epiphany: I think the never-ending worry about Apple’s future is a good thing for the company. Look at what happened to those who were on top and became comfortable with their place under the sun: Palm, Blackberry, Nokia…

In ancient Rome, victorious generals marched in triumph to the Capitol. Lest the occasion go to the army commander’s head, a slave would march behind the victor, murmuring in his ear, memento mori, “remember you’re mortal”.

With that in mind, one can almost appreciate the doomsayers — well, some of them. They might very well save Apple from becoming inebriated with their prestige and, instead, force the company to remember, two years later and counting, how they won it.

As usual, great piece by Jean Louis.  I really like the last part of the article in which he states the constant naysaying about innovation will drive Apple to be that much greater.  It is true when you are on top and everyone tells you how wonderful you are, you can get complacent.  When everyone tells you how much you are going to fail, it causes you to dig down deeper.   
