Digital Marketing - The Benefits of Always-On versus Campaign

Within the digital space, campaign based marketing acts like the traditional “push” model. The goal is to communicate a key marketing message to as many people as possible in hopes that they will learn a specific message and/or perform a certain action. They are in the market until the objective is complete, then they go silent again. The always-on models acts like the “pull” model, focusing on finding the specific people who want to know more about what you offer and will thus participate with us in some way. The always-on model runs indefinitely, it is just optimized over time.

Hmmm.  Articles like this make me wonder what the future of marketing looks like.  So many so-called experts talk in circles and and paint a picture of this perfect world.  What David Alexander is describing is something that costs a fortune and takes many years to build.   

Eventually we may find all of this "free" and "cheap" marketing is so much more expensive than the traditional campaign based marketing we are all trying to get rid of. 
